Swimming pool pump repairs | Gold Coast
If your swimming pool pump isn't working the way it used to then it is likely to require some form of maintenance or repair. Most pool pumps motors require yearly maintenance check to ensure it will continue to run at its best or you may inadvertently cause your pool motor require major overhaul repairs in stead of just a pump check up.
When it comes to repairing pool pumps it is important that you not only use a professional but that you use a liscenced one.

Situated in Mudgeeraba which is pretty central to most suburbs on the Gold Coast we offer Onsite pump repairs, workshop pump repairs and Commercial pump repairs to all Gold Coast residents.
No mater how small or large the pump repair the licensed and experienced pump repair team at platinum Pool and Spa Centre can repair all brands of swimming pool pumps including such brands as:- Astral, Hayward, Zodiac, Davey, Onga, Poolrite, Hurlcon, Waterco, Speck, Sta-Rite, Reltech, Emaux, Eaquip, Lacron, Monarch, Poolstore and Pentair.
Our licensed technicians do extensive inspect and perform insurance work for most of the major insurance companies on the Gold Coast. From storm damage to motor burnout / fusion we carry out insurance work for Suncorp, Cominsure, AAMI, Youi and Australian pensioners insurance.
Lifespan of a Pool Pump
Your pool pump is the hardest working piece of pool equipment you have. it is the work horse of your system. Most good quality pool pumps will have an estimated service life 8-10 years. There are a few exceptions to this rule and this usually comes down to two factors.
1. Motor Quality
2. Regular care and maintenance
We have got customers who have invested in good quality pumps over 20 years ago still bringing their pool pumps in for repair instead of replacement because they have taken the time to care for it.
Workshop Pool Pump Repairs
Along with our onsite pool pump repair services we also repair pumps in out workshop in Mudgeeraba.

The Process
When you book your pool pump into the workshop with us to be repaired we give you a receipt for the quote fee of $33 then book the job in. This quote fee is for the time and labour required to supply you with a honest quotation on the repair / Replacement of the pump (if recommended). The quote fee will be refunded off the price of the repair / replacement pump depending the economical outcome of the quote. Depending on the season a pump repair quote can take up to 48 hours to perform. Once quoted you will be emailed the quote to your nominated email address and follow up with a phone call the next day if no reply is made. Depending on required parts availability the average repair turnaround time in season is approximately 48 hours. If parts are in stock the repair will commonly be completed the same day of the quotation approval and payment.
Onsite Pool Pump Repair Services
If your too busy to drop your pump into the workshop or you are unable to disconnect the pump from the system then we have our certified technicians ready to assist. If your having trouble priming your pool pump, your pump is leaking or just not going then we may be able to get you up and going o the spot. If not we will take the pump back to the shop for a quote. We do recommend if you are having trouble priming the pump and you have gone through the below information then you need us onsite.

Service Pumps
If for some reason there is a longer delay than normal on parts or replacment products we have some service pumps of the more popular pool pump brands and models to keep your pump running while we wait for parts to repair your existing pump.
Commercial Pool Pump Repairs Gold Coast
Platinum Pool and Spa Centre have multiple commercial resorts, high-rise buildings and strata clients who we support with breakdowns and chemical deliveries. All the way from Hope Island to Currumbin we cruise the strip daily keeping the Gold Coast's commercial pool running. If you manage a complex, resort or corporate building with a pool we are here to help.

Common Problems - Fault finding common pump issues
There are a few common problems which will cause your pool pump to require repair. So to avoid wasteing your time or patience trying to perform the impossible I have numbered the most common faults in order as well as some tips to self diagnose them below.
"My Pool Pump just humms when it tries to start"
If you are getting reduced amount of water flow from the return jets in the pool, your pool cleaner is running a little slow or you pool pumps just makes a humming noise when it tries to start up than you may have a blocked pool pump impellor, a faulty capacitor or require replacement motor bearings. A blocked impellor can happen after strong winds or after a long needed pool vacuum has been completed. Fine grass, leaves, seeds and small nuts are the main cause of a blocked impellor. A capasitor is the starter for you pool pump motor.
If your pool system just has reduced flow than it is most likley a blocked impellor. To isolate this the first thing to do is clean your filter by either backwashing a sand filter or hoseing out your cartridge filter element. Once you have done this you should clean your skimmer and pump baskets. Once all cleaning has bee done you can check the flow again by turning on the pump and primming it up.
If you are still experiencing a lack of flow or the pool pump motor is humming then the pump will have to be turned off and removed. Once the pool pump has been removed (usually by undoing the two barrel unions from the pool pump body the pump can be unplugged from either the base of the salt chlorinator or directly from the wall socket depeding on your set up.
Faulty Capasitor
Once removed a sitting at a good height on a bench or the like you can now check to see if the impellor is spinning freely by insertind a flat blade screwdriver in through the hole at the back of the fan cowl ( In the centre of the cover which commonly surrounds the motor fan is a hole). By inserting a the screwdriver into this hole the locating the splice in the end of the motor shaft you may be able to spin the shaft by turning the screwdriver. If you find there is little or no resistance and the shaft spins freely then you will most likley need to replace the capasitor. Pool pump motors are a 240v electric appliance and require a lisence to work on the safley. We recommend that you ony use a licensed electrical professional to replace the capasitor as this can be a very dangerouse job.

Blocked Impeller
If there is a some resistance but you can turn the shaft with some effort than you may need to pull the pump apart at the main body bolts to inspect whether the impellor has a blockage or not. By undoing the main pump body bolts (usually 4 - 8 Bolts) you will expose the impellor, defuser and seal plate (the plate behind the impellor where the mechanical seal sits. Once apart the defuser should be removed to expose the impellor. The impellor should be physicall inspected for any debris inside the channels in the imppellor. Debris in the impellor can be removed with a thin screw driver or a metal skewer. Once debris has been removed the pump can be re assembled and tested.

Seized Bearings
If the pool pump has been a little noisy latley ( like a whirring sound) and the shaft is stuck solid then you will probably require replacement motor bearings. This is a specialised job and we recommend that you use a licensed professional to perform a pool pump recondition service.
This is the most common trouble pool pumps always encounter. Once the sound of the motor experience abnormality, like a whirring sound, it’s time to replace the bearings.It is customary to replace both bearings (rear and front) if you find only one bearing (which is always the case) to be defective. Bearings are the most vulnerable parts of the motor as these are the ones that are subject to more stress that any other part of the pump system. Pool pump motors are a 240v electric appliance and require a license to work on the safely. We recommend that you only use a licensed electrical professional to replace the bearings in a pool pump motor as this job requires specialised equipment and an electrical license to do properly.

Leaking Mechanical Seal
A faulty mechanical will cause the pump to leak between the motor and the pump body. The mechanical seal protects the motor from the pool (usually salt water) water by creating a watertight seal between the silicone carbide and the ceramic face of the seal. These two materials are designed to create as less friction and heat as possible. The mechanical seal in the most common repair for a pool pump. A leaking mechanical seal left to leak for extended periods will cause corrosion to the motor stator (body), cause the bearings to fail prematurely and cause corrosion to surrounding equipment and surfaces. While there is no licensed required to replace a mechanical seal you should make sure a experienced professional is used to get the right job done.

"My pump is not drawing water"
Pool Pumps should be full of water when they start up to aid it in priming. Most pool pumps are self-priming pumps which usually have an inclosed impellor and a tightly fitted defurer to help reduce the bleed from the low pressure to the high pressure sides of the water flow. Some pumps however may require to be primmed manually. If a pool pump is not priming there could be an underlying problem which is causing the pump to lose compression. This could be caused by any of the following issues: -
- The pump lid o'ring not being seated properly
- The pump lid may have a crack in it
- Your pump unions may require tightening or silicone based grease on the o'rings
- There may be a faulty 2 or 3 way valve on the sucton side of the pump letting in air when running
- A faulty non return valve / jammed valve internal in the discharge side of the pump
- Warped seal plate or faulty mechanical seal - usually due to running the pump dry
If the pump is run for a prolonged period of time without water (running dry) heat will be kinetically transferred tho the remaining water in the pump body and can cause the water to boil. This can damage the defuser, impeller, seal plate, mechanical seal and motor bearings. Most motors have a built in over temp device / circuit which should shut the pump motor off before any damage to the system has occurred. In the event of this overtemp failing usually means the pump will have extensive damage and may cause the motor to burn out. This will commonly be covered by most insurers under a household insurance category called motor burn out or fusion.

Call us today to inspect your pool pump and provide you with a comprehensive quote for the repair of you pool pump.